Cookie Policy

A “cookie” is a text file that is stored on computers, tablets, mobile phones and any device used to browse the Internet, where it is stored before being sent back to the same sites on the next visit by the same user..
This web site uses cookies to improve navigation and in order to provide services and functions to its users and visitors. The use of cookies can be limited or disabled through the web browser; however, without cookies some or all of the site functions may be unusable.
In particular our site uses Cookies that are strictly necessary and essential to complete the tasks required by the user, for example, to store information provided by the user while browsing the site, or to manage the "login" status during the visit; uses Cookies for Analytics which allow for data to be collected related to the use of the site, such as the contents visited and the functions used, with the aim of improving site performance and layout. These cookies can be sent by the supplier of the Analytics tool, but are only used for purposes linked to the site.
During browsing, the user may also receive cookies on his terminal which are send from different sites or web servers (so-called third parties), on which certain elements can reside (e.g. images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the site that the user was visiting.

Types of cookies
Cookies can be classified into:
- Session Cookies : which are removed when the user closes the browser and which, therefore, have a duration which is limited to the time of the visit;
- Permanent Cookies: which remain in the equipment used to browse the internet for a given time. These cookies have a typical expiry data and therefore their duration varies according to the cookie used.
- Proprietary Cookies and third party Cookies : depending on who the web site belongs to or on the third party.

The following categories of cookie are used for our site:
1. Strictly necessary session Cookies
These cookies are essential for surfing the web, for example, they allow the temporary storage of account data for access to the related reserved area of the site and allow you to use the various functions available in the restricted areas.
2. Analysis Cookies (so-called Analytics cookie)
Used to collect information, in aggregate and anonymous form, on the number of users, how these consult the site in order to improve it and to understand which parts or elements are most appreciated.
Depending on the scope used a third party cookie or Google Analytics. This cookie is an instrument we own, for better information, therefore it is possible to consult the information provide by Google at the following address:

This site does not use profiling Cookies
These are permanent cookies used to identity (anonymously and not) the preferences of the user so as to develop a specific profile in order to tailor commercial offers, in order to conduct market research or remote sales.

Third Party Cookies and Social media cookies
This site uses social network (more specifically cookies of the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn platforms), managed by the third parties and we are therefore not responsible for these.
These cookies are used, for example, to share content.
The management of the information collected from the third parties and the type of personal data processing are governed by the relevant information to which they refer.
For further information on how the Third Party uses the cookies, the web addresses for the different information and how to manage social media cookies are shown below


Management of cookies
The user can at any time refuse to accept all or any of the cookies used by this web site simply by selecting, from its own browser, the instructions which allow it to be refused.
All browsers have specific configuration instructions. Further information relating to the procedure to be followed for disabling the cookies can be found on the web site of the supplier of the browser.
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Internet Explorer:
Apple Safari:
To only disable the use of the cookies of Google Analytics you can use the additional component provided by Google at the next connection by following the procedure indicated by Google
It is still possible to use some parts of the web site after disabling the cookies, but some services might night be usable.

Owner of the processing
The owner of the processing is giorgio maria salvatori

Modifications to the cookie policy
The owner of the processing reserves the right to make changes to this cookie policy. The user and/or the visitor to the web site agrees to be bound by these and any future revisions and therefore undertakes to periodically visit this page in order to be informed about any changes.

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